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“I Use Combi Pro religiously on my competition horses before and after competition. It is so important that my horses muscles are warmed up and warmed down correctly and this is why I use Combi Pro”
“The New Combi Pro is a must for all performance horses and is an integral part of my horses daily routine. The rug used pre exercise loosens and softens muscles and I have found it especially beneficial in recovery post exercise.
What I love about the Combi Pro is its versatility of settings and programmes to suit each individual horse.”
“I find the Combi Pro rug hugely benefits the horses’ suppleness and makes the sharper horses quieter and softer to ride. They are all much more relaxed when I first get on them and need much less time to warm up. The margins for error are so slight in show jumping and so having the horses as soft and supple as possible is very important. I definitely feel I get better results from the horses when using the Combi Pro rug and both the horses and I would be lost without it.”
“Having used the Combi Pro System for over 10 years, I can honestly say it’s worth the investment 10 times over!Whilst
the Combi Pro systems are excellent for rehabilitation, I use the unique pulsed electromagnetic and massage rug on all the horses both
before they are worked
to loosen and relax their muscles and afterwards to aid the recovery process and optimise each of the horse’s performance.The systems are easy to use, breathable, lightweight and horse-friendly.”
“With the Combi Pro pulsed electromagnetic and massage rugs and light therapy from FMBs Therapy Systems I have treatments which not only help to keep the horses mentally relaxed, promote muscle tone and circulation, but also which help to manage the stiffnesses, swellings and soreness which occur during the training of any athlete. By using the FMBS system I know I am doing the very best for my horses for optimum well-being and performance, as evidenced by our racing results.”
“The Light Therapy in conjunction with our magnetic and massage rug has provided a regular and consistent treatment pattern for our horses – we’re thrilled with it.”
“We are very lucky at Oakingham Stud to have most of the superb Activo-Med equipment.We use the Combi Pro rug daily on as many horses as possible and find it very beneficial it also runs the leg wraps and light therapy equipment.We also have the most stunning therapy room containing a Water Treadmill, Dry Treadmill, Spa and Combi Vibro floor, all installed and supplied by FMBs Therapy Systems.We could not be happier with the quality and benefits of owning the equipment nor with the service and knowledge provided.”
“Since using the Combi Pro rug on the horses I have noticed an improvement in their ability to get over muscle problems. They come out looser after treatments, look better in themselves generally and are very relaxed when being treated.”
“This system is like a dishwasher: now I have it I can’t imagine life without it. I use it daily on all my horses and it definitely benefits their well-being and performance”
“As a training and rehab yard we use FMBS products on a daily basis whether for helping to promote general health and well-being or for helping treat specific injuries or muscular issues.
The Combi Pro system undoubtedly loosens and softens muscles enabling horses to work much more freely and easily. Having a combination of PEMF and massage in a product is invaluable generally but particularly for our rehab work as both therapies serve to improve the blood supply which promotes healing. The leg wraps and hoof boots, which can be used alone or with the rug, are equally invaluable in helping treat tendon, suspensory ligament and foot injuries as well as being a preventative therapy to help keep horses’ limbs in the best possible condition. And, for us, the laser really comes into its own when working with long-standing injuries and scar-tissue.
We love the versatility that the FMBS products provide us in that they can be used in combination or separately facilitating general or very targeted therapy.”
“There is no better system on the market. It really does work! With its pre-set programmes it offers you a variety of options benefiting each individual horse both pre and post exercise, plus you can change the programmes to suit specific needs. We use the rug daily on all our horses and I have noticed a definite improvement in their overall well being both mentally and physically.
It is especially useful after strenuous exercise to aid tired muscles in recovery and treat specific areas. At 3DEs the horses have come out on the last day feeling fit and well and I am convinced this is due to using the system. The Secret Weapon lived in his Combi System during Bleinheim week and look how it helped him! He has never felt better. Every competition horse deserves one!
FMBs are always on hand to help you understand the full benefits of the systems so you truly get the most out of them.”
“Karen (Team GBR equine osteopath) used the Combi Pro rug on my horse BB Call Me Caine each time before I rode him and he felt as if he had been warmed up for 10/15 minutes, he was altogether much looser and happier and I felt a real difference.”
“Karen (Team GBR equine osteopath) used the Combi Pro rug on my horse BB Call Me Caine each time before I rode him and he felt as if he had been warmed up for 10/15 minutes, he was altogether much looser and happier and I felt a real difference.”
“Just thought I would drop you a line to say how pleased I am with the Combi Pro Rug. I have a 14 year old Grand Prix horse called Desiderata (Blondie), and I find a big difference when I use the rug before riding. She is very relaxed when having the rug treatment and enjoys it. As soon as I get on I can feel the difference in the horse, she feels like I have already been warming her up for twenty minutes. She takes a longer looser stride right from the beginning. She feels like a young horse! I use the rug every day but if for some reason I don’t use the rug the affect is still there for a few days.”
“I have used the Combi Pro rug on the event horses and racehorses and I am very pleased with the way it has worked. The pre-warmup setting has been especially useful for those that are a bit cold backed and to loosen up muscles before exercise. I have also used it on horses that have some muscular soreness to help bring them back to full fitness. At big events such as the Europeans, the post exercise programme is great for helping the horses relax after the cross country and it eases any muscle soreness.”
“I have found my Combi Pro rug and leg wraps to be a vital piece of equipment towards the management of my 3 day event horses. They have proved to be extremely useful at the yard and also at events.”
“I use the Combi Pro on my horses at home and at competitions as part of the daily routine. There are a variety of pre-set programmes that can be set to suit individual requirements and the system definitely helps keep the horses feeling supple and relaxed.”
“Managing the physical well-being of my horses is an important aspect of keeping them on the road. The Combi Pro rug plays an important role in ensuring we prevent and manage muscle soreness pro-actively leaving me with the peace of mind to focus on helping them give of their best in training and competition.”
“I have been using the combi pro system for a number of years and find it an essential part of my tool kit. The rug is in constant use both at home and at competitions, providing invaluable assistance in preparing “cold-backed” or older horses to be ridden. I also use the system as a recovery aid following strenuous exercise and credit the rug with many successful Sunday morning trot-ups!” In 2008 we upgraded our old rug to the new before travelling to Hong Kong for the Olympics. The new breathable, lightweight rug was ideal for the hot and humid conditions there but will be equally practical during the British summer.”